About Us

Our mission is to heal people from all around the world with our products. We will accomplish all of our goals and intend to assist in shifting the paradigm around health, no matter what one may be going through. Our products are rare and contain some of the most magnificent and organic herbs to heal your mind and body. We must and will do better jobs with listening to our bodies and being more aware of what we are consuming from a day to day basis. This also takes into account the hair and facial products we are using, as many big brand products contain harmful chemicals. Over 200 diseases are caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, carcinogens, parasites and/or chemical substances. Top selling dry shampoos contain high levels of benzene, a cancer-causing agent. These are just a few of many reasons why we need to do much better as a society. We know that herbal remedies are safe and effective for any internal problems you may have. 

About the owners 

Hello Everyone!

I have been studying herbal remedies and natural solutions for 7 years. I am currently 20, but at age 17 I decided to shift to a fully plant-based diet consisting mostly of fruits. Although I did not have any chronic illnesses, I drastically improved my overall health and am continuing to do so today. The main issue with western health is either a lack of knowledge, or a lack of discipline. Ignorance is no excuse as knowledge is of the highest abundance EVER. Our lack of discipline can not only be blamed on ourselves, but the system that we have been indoctrinated into. We so often put things aside for later, or lack the self confidence to conquer a given task. This mindset will not only negatively impact your life and stunt your growth as a person, but will result in chronic disease at some point in life. Cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, substance abuse, these are some of the most common diseases in the entire world, unfortunately they have been normalized although they are far from natural. All of these diseases are reversible, it all comes down to intention, habits, and mindset. You are constantly creating your reality, so shift your timeline now and invest in yourself. Your health is your wealth.


Hello Everyone!

I am 19 turning 20 this year. On January 1st 2022 I decided to become plant based and change my eating habits for the better. Before then I struggled a lot with acne, this affected me emotionally and physically. I was severely depressed for a long time because at the time I was so focused on the outside, that I wasn't taking time to analyze what was really happening to me on the inside. I went through years of prescribed acne medication but it was only a temporary fix. I took some time and did research on why my face kept breaking out and I finally realized it was because of my eating habits. Having a clear face was not only a result of a plant based diet, but also the consumption and application of herbs. Detoxifying my liver was one of my main breakthroughs, as the liver is so vital to overall health. Acne is not "normal", cancer is not "normal", all of these diseases are all connected to the way you eat and the mindset you have. What we are providing here at P1Health is a chance for you to give your body a complete reset. A reset with the most organic and rare herbs that get the job done and are benefiting you in only a positive way. We truly care about our customers well being and health, so we make sure to provide the best of the best herbs.